[fedora-java] libvirt-java bindings

Dalibor Topic Dalibor.Topic at Sun.COM
Wed Jul 2 11:04:28 UTC 2008

Daniel Veillard wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 01, 2008 at 09:40:53PM +0200, Farkas Levente wrote:
>> Daniel Veillard wrote:
>>>  Hi,
>>> I have just started to release and package java bindings for libvirt.
>>> I have made a request for review for Fedora on the new package:
>>>  https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=453119
>>> I found the exercise rather hard, JNI is of course on the edge of the Java
>>> land, but it's hard to find good resources to look at for Java bindings
>>> in Fedora, the gnome-java stuff seems very specific, and a lot of packages
>>> basically rely on gcj for compilation of any JNI stuff.
>> you may look into jna. gstreamer-java use it. it's much simpler, easier 
>> then jni without the above problems.
>   Well back in 97 we tried to avoid JNI in the Kaffe project, the 
> alternative was more elegant, easier, faster. I think everybody outside
> of java has hoped or tried to develop different bindings mechanism,
> unfortunately none prevailed, at this point I will stick with JNI,
I'll sing the praise for JNA, as it is VM-independent, so doesn't suffer 
from the
problem most other (usually vm-specific) JNI-replacements do.

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