[fedora-java] libvirt-java bindings

Benjamin Reed ranger at opennms.org
Thu Jul 3 12:12:08 UTC 2008

David Walluck wrote:
> Daniel Veillard wrote:
> | - use the $JAVA_HOME as the user provided environment variable to 
> point to
> |   the top of the JDK tree
> | - in configure.in provide an option --with-java-home allowing to
> override it
> | - if still not defined try with /usr/lib/jvm/java
> Sounds good so far. You may also want to try other values for JAVA_HOME.
> I don't have an exhaustive list of these, but /usr/lib/jvm/java should
> be fine for any Linux distro that has jpackage-utils, so I think that
> should be sufficient.
> | - then check that $JAVA_HOME/bin contains the binaries for
> |   javah/javac/javah/javadoc/jar to be used when building the binaries
> | - then look under $JAVA_HOME/include and $JAVA_HOME/include/$system for
> |   the JNI includes
> I think you want something like
> CPPFLAGS="-I$JAVA_HOME/include -I$JAVA_HOME/include/linux".
> But if it's not linux, I don't know how standard the existence of
> $system is.
> | - we should look for the %{java_home} macro
> This is only good for the RPM build. If you depend on jpackage-utils you
> may assume it is defined.
> | - if found it should be passed as the --with-java-home value when running
> |   configure
> In the RPM-build case, you can pass explicitly the default (or desired)
> Java home directory .
> You have already laid out the three basic steps for configure above:
> 1.) Use --with-java-home if set.
> 2.) If this isn't set, then you would read $JAVA_HOME from the environment.
> 3.) If that isn't set then you would check some pre-defined list of
> directories. At the very least /usr/lib/jvm/java.
> | - keep
> |   Requires: java [ >= 1.5 ]
> |   Requires: jpackage-utils
> |   and
> |   BuildRequires: java-devel [ >= 1.5 ]
> |   BuildRequires: jpackage-utils
> |   as the Java RPM dependancies
> Yes, since these are virtual provides specified by several vendors (GCJ,
> IBM, BEA, Sun) as long as they follow the JPackage standard.
> | - Indicates that when rebuilding manually, overriding %{java_home} on the
> |   rpmbuild command line allows to pick a different JDK
> The switch happens for the end-user of the RPM spec file simply by
> redefining %java_home, e.g.
> rpmbuild --define 'java_home /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj'
> or
> JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj rpmbuild
> | If yes can this be written directly somewhere in
> |   http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging/Java#Specfile_Template
> | in a "configure" section along ant/maven
> it's hard to say how to standardize this process, since no one has
> written the canonical set of autoconf macros for this. Some macros exist
> in the autoconf macro archive, but they try to support many layouts (not
> just the linux standard layout).

We have some autoconf macros that seem to work reasonably well (they've 
been tested on various linuxes, 32- and 64-bit, as well as solaris and 

They could probably use some tweaking, but would be a start:


I just noticed we're bad people, and don't have any copyright/license 
info on it, I'd be happy to make them whatever license makes them easy 
on everyone.  =)

To use it, we do:

AC_CHECK_HEADER([jni.h], [], [AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot find jni.h header])])

...and in the .am:

lib_LTLIBRARIES = libjrrd.la
libjrrd_la_SOURCES = rrd_jinterface.c
libjrrd_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version $(JAVA_SHREXT_COMMAND)

	-mkdir -p $(classdir)
	$(JAVAC) $(JAVACFLAGS) -d $(classdir) $<

Haven't figured out a nice way to to javah stuff though, still very manual:

rrd_jinterface.c: org_opennms_netmgt_rrd_rrdtool_Interface.h

	$(JAVAH) -classpath $(classdir) org.opennms.netmgt.rrd.rrdtool.Interface

Does that help?  It's still a little opennms-specific right now, I 
think, but would be a place to start.

Benjamin Reed
The OpenNMS Group

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