[fedora-java] packaging lessons from FUDCon hackfest?

Andrew Overholt overholt at redhat.com
Fri Jul 4 20:39:21 UTC 2008

* Benjamin Reed <ranger at opennms.org> [2008-07-04 15:30]:
> The biggest issue with that, I think, is that anyone using Maven is  
> already completely outside of the normal "ask the distro for a  
> dependency" way of doing things; doing maven-based development on fedora  
> will still always end up using maven for resolving dependencies.  :(

Deepak Bhole has done some great work on the maven package in Fedora
which one can use to build _only_ from other stuff in the distro and
never touch the maven repos.

> Not to mention when you get into all of the OSGI stuff where foo uses  
> bar 1.x and baz uses incompatible-bar 2.9.x and it does classloading to  
> allow them to be available simultaneously.

It's the same root issue, though:  either people move to new versions --
the one we ship -- or they maintain compat- packages.  The former is
obviously preferred :)


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