[fedora-java] jna and gstreamer-java on fedora

Farkas Levente lfarkas at lfarkas.org
Mon Jul 21 15:13:05 UTC 2008

Andrew Overholt wrote:
> * Farkas Levente <lfarkas at lfarkas.org> [2008-07-20 18:17]:
>>     [junit] # An error report file with more information is saved as:
>>     [junit] # /tmp/gstreamer-java/hs_err_pid12123.log
> What's in this file?  The JVM is most likely crashing due to something
> wrong in the JNI code.


>> or should i've to package the jna provided by gstreamer-java  or
>> reuild the original jna and not use the fedora one?
> This would be against the Fedora Packaging Guidelines.

ok but currently the situation is:
- not working with the jna in fedora,
- working with the jna bundled with gstreamer-java,
- working with the jna download from jna homepage.
so dare i assume there is some problem with the fedora jna package?

   Levente                               "Si vis pacem para bellum!"
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