[fedora-java] Fedora 9: NoClassDefFoundError (LogFactory)

Caolan McNamara caolanm at redhat.com
Fri May 23 18:09:16 UTC 2008

On Fri, 2008-05-23 at 13:45 -0400, Andrew Overholt wrote:
> Hi,
> * Greg Johnson <gregjo at yahoo.com> [2008-05-23 12:29]:
> > Class-Path: jmx.jar commons-daemon.jar commons-logging-api-1.1.1.jar
> > tomcat-juli.jar
> Ah, Class-Path entries in JAR manifests aren't allowed in Fedora
> packages:
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging/Java#head-35dda923a0a2f82c349c3a998edb321da544de33

I'm not too sure I understand the why of this though ? Isn't it a good
to remove the burden of knowing what other .jars are required to make it
work away from consuming apps. And maybe even use them as an input into
an rpm autorequires sort of thing ?


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