[fedora-java] Drop GCJ AOT bits for F11?

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Thu Nov 20 16:33:26 UTC 2008

Andrew Overholt wrote:

> Back when we wrote the initial Java packaging guidelines, we said that
> packagers *should* include GCJ AOT bits.  Should we remove this
> requirement for Fedora 11 and beyond?
> Also, GCJ is still in the base install set for Fedora.  Should we remove
> this and make OpenJDK a default?

This is a bit premature.  We still don't have the OpenJDK JIT for PPC and
ARM arches.  We're working hard on it but it's not ready yet for prime-time.
Without the JIT, OpenJDK is crushingly slow on these arches.

Having said that, there's no reason not to make OpenJDK the default on the
arches where it performs well: x86 and 8x6_64 at the monent.


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