[fedora-java] Problem with CLASSPATH

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Wed Nov 26 11:39:04 UTC 2008

Ismael Olea wrote:

> First, I'm not a programer. I'm maintaining OmegaT and dependencies in
> Fedora, all  java based.
> Since first moment I'm experiencing problems with the CLASSPATH. When
> removing it from the MANIFEST  I can't get the jvm to find the
> dependencies, no matter I set them by the CLASSPATH variable or the -cp
> option.
> I'm supposing I'm doing (or not doing) something almost trivial. Anybody
> have any idea of what I'm doing wrong? Any document to read?
> Of course I've readed the Fedora Java package guidelines but doesn't
> helped me.

It's hard to say, because you haven't told us what you are doing,

Does OmegaT have a startup script?  If so, do something like this:

LOCALCLASSPATH="$(/usr/bin/build-classpath jaxp_parser_impl xml-commons-apis)"

java  -classpath "$LOCALCLASSPATH" ...

That's what the other Java startup scripts do.  There are plenty
of examples.


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