[fedora-java] Eclipse/Comps

Mat Booth fedora at matbooth.co.uk
Fri Feb 13 20:57:16 UTC 2009

I notice the Eclipse wiki page [1] has been updated. We have more
plugins in Fedora now than I've had chance to use, which is very cool.
I use this fact to try and persuade my Ubuntu-using developer friends
to cross over to the red-hatted side. ;-)

Seeing the page made me think that the Fedora Eclipse comps group [2]
is terribly outdated. Should we be adding our plugins to this group?
Here's how it currently looks:

    <_name>Fedora Eclipse</_name>
    <_description>Integrated Development Environments based on
      <packagereq type="default">eclipse-cdt</packagereq>
      <packagereq type="default">eclipse-changelog</packagereq>
      <packagereq type="default">eclipse-jdt</packagereq>
      <packagereq type="default">eclipse-mylyn</packagereq>
      <packagereq type="default">eclipse-mylyn-bugzilla</packagereq>
      <packagereq type="default">eclipse-mylyn-ide</packagereq>
      <packagereq type="default">eclipse-mylyn-java</packagereq>
      <packagereq type="default">eclipse-pde</packagereq>
      <packagereq type="default">eclipse-pydev</packagereq>
      <packagereq type="default">eclipse-rpm-editor</packagereq>
      <packagereq type="default">eclipse-subclipse</packagereq>
      <packagereq type="optional">eclipse-mylyn-trac</packagereq>

[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Eclipse
[2] http://cvs.fedoraproject.org/viewvc/comps/comps-f11.xml.in

Mat Booth

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