[fedora-java] Packaging BIRT

Andrew Overholt overholt at redhat.com
Fri Jan 16 16:01:59 UTC 2009


I took a brief look at BIRT dependencies using the PDE dependency
visualizer [1].  I've attached its PNG output for
org.eclipse.birt.chart.device.swt and org.eclipse.birt.chart.examples
(what I thought would be a decent high-level bundle).  It looks like we
should have most of the necessary dependencies in Fedora already (or up
for review):


We'll have to add OSGi metadata matching what's in Orbit to batik, fop,
and possibly avalon-*.  It looks like we've already got it for commons
codec.  After that, I'm hoping we'll be able to use RPM Stubby [2] to
help us package BIRT :)

Help is always more than welcome if anyone's interested.  I can
elaborate if necessary.  The reason we're interested in doing this is so
that once they've had a release, we can get the eclipse.org Linux Tools
project's Valgrind tools [3] into Fedora.




The key piece of information I needed to get it to work was that I had
to right-click in the view to specify a bundle


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