[fedora-java] jdepend-maven-plugin

Deepak Bhole dbhole at redhat.com
Thu Nov 12 18:59:04 UTC 2009

* Jerry James <loganjerry at gmail.com> [2009-10-23 18:06]:
> I'm still trying to get jakarta-commons-lang to build with maven
> (F-12+ only).  I'm getting closer, but I'm having a problem with a
> missing jdepend-maven-plugin.  This plugin is referred to in at least
> two F-12 poms, namely:
> /usr/share/maven2/default_poms/JPP-commons-parent.pom
> /usr/share/maven2/default_poms/JPP.codehaus-mojo.pom
> Both of those poms are supplied by the maven2-common-poms package.
> The problem is that I can't find a package that supplies
> jdepend-maven-plugin.  Does it even exist in Fedora?

The plugin doesn't exist in Fedora. The error was not encountered before
because none of the jakarta* packages use maven to build (at least

The issue is that commons-parent serves as a common parent for all new
jakarta* packages using maven to build. The jdepend plugin is used when
the maven reporting target is called. There are 2 ways to fix the

1. The right way - Add jdepend plugin to Fedora
2. The "This needed to be done yesterday" way - supply your own parent
pom (with no jdepend) in a custom repo


> -- 
> Jerry James
> http://www.jamezone.org/
> --
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