[fedora-java] Subclipse doesn't seem to work on Rawhide

Andrew Overholt overholt at redhat.com
Mon Sep 14 12:48:35 UTC 2009

* Mat Booth <fedora at matbooth.co.uk> [2009-09-14 06:17]:
> So, it seems like Eclipse is not looking in
> /usr/share/eclipse/dropins. Is that the case, Andrew?

It should be.  I don't know what changed here.  I still think it's one
feature/plugin in /usr/share/eclipse/dropins that isn't being installed
properly and that's kill all things in that location.  It would help if
we could try installing each one individually with the update manager so
we can see if there are issues.

Yes, it would be nice if dropins had diagnosis.
Yes, it would be nice if our OSGi->RPM stuff was enabled.


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