[fedora-java] jakarta-commons-lang 2.4

Jerry James loganjerry at gmail.com
Tue Feb 9 18:21:17 UTC 2010

On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 4:31 AM, Mary Ellen Foster <mefoster at gmail.com> wrote:
> I just experimentally downloaded the 2.4 source tarball and as far as
> I can tell it built cleanly on my (F12) machine just using "mvn-jpp
> install". I think you could just probably build with maven without
> needing to use ant ...

Hmmm.  It appears that my problems stem from trying to build the
documentation.  That doesn't seem to happen with a bare "mvn package";
at least, target/apidocs contains only a META-INFO directory.  I get
this first:

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] The plugin 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-xdoc-plugin' does
not exist or no valid version could be found

I can work around that, I think, but then maven can't find xmlpull,
which is needed by kxml.  That's provided by xpp3, I think, but there
is no depmap fragment saying so.

On the other hand, now that I look closer, the maven build punts to
ant to do the actual building, so perhaps I shouldn't even be worrying
about this.
Jerry James

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