[fedora-java] jakarta-commons-lang 2.4

Jerry James loganjerry at gmail.com
Wed Feb 10 16:25:43 UTC 2010

On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 3:21 PM, Mat Booth <fedora at matbooth.co.uk> wrote:
> Well, it would be nice to get the automatically generated OSGi
> manifest you get with the maven-based builds of jakarta commons
> products.

True.  Mary, do you want to fix xpp3 so it provide the appropriate
depmap fragment, or should I file a bug?

Does anybody feel inspired about introducing the xdoc maven plugin to
Fedora?  (I don't.  I changed jobs recently and no longer develop Java
code.  I've been wondering whether I should really be maintaining
packages I no longer use, in fact.  But I worked so hard and so long
to get findbugs into Fedora that I hate to give it up.)
Jerry James

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