[fedora-java] Java Projects

Alexander Kurtakov akurtako at redhat.com
Fri Feb 12 13:24:20 UTC 2010

> Hi all,
> I am Raj from chennai. I am basically a Java/J2ee Software engineer.
> Just wondering what are the Java projects going on in Fedora.
Hi Raj,
Actual development is happening in upstream projects (e.g. Eclipse, Tomcat and 
etc.). In Fedora we are doing mostly packaging work which includes fixes for 
building given projects on Fedora, making them use system installed jars 
instead of bundled jars, helping upstream port their project to newer version 
of a dependency (when we have a newer version in Fedora) and etc.
One of the most out-standing problems we have is updating Maven and its 
dependencies to latest versions. See http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/MavenUpdate 
for details.
As I'm mostly interested in Eclipse we have also 
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Eclipse#Plug-ins_We.27d_Like_To_Ship for plugins 
we would like to ship.
Or you may want to help us with the development of the following plugins 

Others may add other things to work on or you may just say what are you 
interested in and wants to work on.

Hoping there will be something you will find interesting enough to work with 

> Meet you all soon
> Raj

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