[fedora-java] jakarta-commons rename

Stanislav Ochotnicky sochotnicky at redhat.com
Tue May 4 08:43:28 UTC 2010


as some of you are aware jakarta-commons changed name to apache-commons
some time ago. We should probably start process of renaming these
packages in Fedora as well to match upstream.

I made a list of -commons components that do not depend on other
-commons. This was done with a crude grep of checked out sources so
there might be omissions). Owners of packages included:

jakarta-commons-codec - mbooth
jakarta-commons-launcher - mbooth
jakarta-commons-logging - mbooth
jakarta-commons-pool - mbooth

jakarta-commons-daemon - pcheung
jakarta-commons-io - pcheung
jakarta-commons-lang - pcheung
jakarta-commons-net - pcheung

jakarta-commons-collections - devrim

jakarta-commons-compress - red

jakarta-commons-el - fnasser

Starting with these packages should make it easier to continue with the
rest (because for those we can already start using new names in Requires).

Any ideas/notes are welcome,

Stanislav Ochotnicky <sochotnicky at redhat.com>
Associate Software Engineer - Base Operating Systems Brno

PGP: 71A1677C
Red Hat Inc.                               http://cz.redhat.com

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