[fedora-java] Java-sig pseudo user and commit messages incoming

Mark Wielaard mark at klomp.org
Mon Nov 8 11:22:10 UTC 2010

On Fri, 2010-11-05 at 12:55 +0100, Stanislav Ochotnicky wrote:
> One thing to note: email of java-sig is this mailing list
> (fedora-java at l.f.o) but emails will be comming as if from comitter's
> email address as present in FAS. Currently ML is set-up to allow
> messages from @fedoraproject.org mail addresses. It will reject commit
> messages from other email addresses. If you use different mail for
> java-devel ML and for FAS then let me know off-list and I'll add
> exception for your email (I just don't feel like checking manually or
> scripting this right now).
> I'll be sending similar notice to people on fedora-devel in case they
> want to add their packages to monitoring.

I added emails having scm-commits at lists.fedoraproject.org as destination
as acceptable for this mailinglist. But I do agree that it might be a
good idea to have a separate list for commits and discussion.



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