[fedora-java] Tomcat docs for a fedora install

Mat Booth fedora at matbooth.co.uk
Thu Dec 27 12:33:30 UTC 2012

On 24 December 2012 23:47, Paul Campbell <pcsnow at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fedora 17, I did a yum install of tomcat-7.0.33-2.fc17.noarch
> Is there a document that outlines the admin/setup that might be
> required/suggested due to Fedora Packaging?
> I am familiar with Tomcat setup when I download the tar from
> http://tomcat.apache.org/
> At a minimum, I expect I need to use sysctl

I should imagine all you need to do is:

$  sudo systemctl enable tomcat.service
$  sudo systemctl start tomcat.service

But the old SysV init commands should still also work:

$  sudo chkconfig tomcat on
$  sudo service tomcat start

Mat Booth

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