[fedora-java] using systemPath in POM files

Aleksandar Kurtakov akurtako at redhat.com
Mon Feb 13 06:28:06 UTC 2012

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Andy Grimm" <agrimm at gmail.com>
> To: "java-devel" <java-devel at lists.fedoraproject.org>
> Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 4:06:29 AM
> Subject: [fedora-java] using systemPath in POM files
> Hello, fellow java packagers.  Little by little, I'm learning ways to
> make life with maven a little easier.  One of the things I recently
> learned the quickest way to deal with a missing pom file.  I was
> packaging wss4j, which depends on axis, which doesn't have a pom file
> in Fedora.  I worked around it with this:
>          <dependency>
>              <groupId>org.apache.axis</groupId>
>              <artifactId>axis</artifactId>
>              <version>${axis.version}</version>
> -            <scope>provided</scope>
> +            <scope>system</scope>
> +            <systemPath>${axis.basedir}/axis.jar</systemPath>
>          </dependency>
>          <dependency>
> (where axis.basedir is set to /usr/share/java/axis).  The solution
> works fine, but is this acceptable?  Is there a negative impact? It
> seems my only other alternative would be to file a bug and wait for
> the maintainer to add a pom to the axis package, and I'd rather not
> do
> that.  (I'm happy to file the bug, but not to wait for the fix).

Hi Andy,
The only negative impact I can see is for people not having ${axis.version} defined but assuming you define it in the same pom's properties section it should be fine. But still there are 2 more options - file a bug (with patch preferably) and wait for the maintainer or apply for commit rights and push the patch/build yourself. I'm pretty sure that in both cases you wouldn't have to wait much as the current maintainer is pretty active. I think that whenever someone needs modifications to some package it's better to become a co-maintainer so he/she can do other small tweaks if needed.


> Thanks,
> Andy
> --
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