[fedora-java] where can I find jaxws-tools.jar in fedora18 repository?

Mikolaj Izdebski mizdebsk at redhat.com
Wed Apr 17 07:22:32 UTC 2013

> My current project just need some classes, these classes would be obtained from jaxws-tools.jar, webservices-tools.jar, webservices-osgi-aix.jar or webservices-osgi.jar. Anyone of these binaries is okay from my current view but I have no idea if there is any rpm packages in fedora official repo that include these binaries? I mean, after installing these rpm packages, these binary could be found in the directory like "/usr/share/java/". Any clue is big appreciated. 

You can list all files in Fedora 18 using the following command:

$ repoquery --repofrompath
--repoid bar -al

Once you have the list you can grep it for files you need.  If you find
the file you are looking for then you can check what package it belongs
to using command:

$ repoquery --repofrompath
--repoid bar -f /path/to/the/file/jar

Mikolaj Izdebski
IRC: mizdebsk

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