[fedora-java] Eclipse WTP problems...

Aleksandar Kurtakov akurtako at redhat.com
Fri Apr 19 08:34:55 UTC 2013

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Gerard Ryan" <galileo at fedoraproject.org>
> To: java-devel at lists.fedoraproject.org
> Cc: "vladimir kostadinov" <vladimir.kostadinov at gmail.com>
> Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 10:43:03 AM
> Subject: [fedora-java] Eclipse WTP problems...
> Hash: SHA256
> ...there are many :/
> Hi java folk,
> None of the Eclipse WTP stack is currently built on f19, and most of it
> needs to be updated, and upstream has moved from cvs to git. I'm going
> to focus as much of my time-available-to-spend-on-fedora as I can, to
> rectifying that, but I'm running into some issues that I'll need help
> with:
> 1. eclipse-wtp-common has been bundling a jar for a long time[0], and I
> tried to fix that, by deleting and rebuilding that jar using javac/jar
> commands. Problem is I was using %{_libdir} to add a jar from
> eclipse-platform to the classpath, and eclipse-platform is archfull but
> this package is noarch. Is there a better solution? It's not my package,
> so I don't want to do something like make it archfull if that's not
> necessary.
> 2. I've proposed a patch for eclipse-wtp-servertools[1] a while back
> that hasn't seen any activity.
> Eclipse WTP packages in Fedora basically need to be build in the order:
> common, servertools, sourceediting, webservices (I can't remember what's
> after that, but the rest are mostly my packages, so I'll figure that out
> when I get that far). The problem here is that the first three are not
> mine, and the maintainer for servertools/sourceediting doesn't seem to
> be very active at the moment, and I'm not going to try to update
> sourceediting and propose a patch until I can build it against common
> and servertools without having to hack unmerged packages into mock. I've
> applied for acls on both in pkgdb, and I'm happy to spend time whipping
> them into shape, since a significant percentage of my packages depend on
> them directly.
> There are other problems with WTP packages, but these are the most
> immediate ones, and the others escape me right now. If anybody can
> propose solutions to the above, or move things along in any way, I'd
> really appreciate it!

commit solution is done - your commit requests are approved now. 

Alexander Kurtakov
Red Hat Eclipse team

> Thanks,
> Gerard.
> [0] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=922452
> [1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=927023
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> =KoBh
> --
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