[fedora-java] Shipping of binaries in jar files

Gary Benson gbenson at redhat.com
Fri Apr 26 15:44:04 UTC 2013

Orion Poplawski wrote:
> Whatever the solution, I think we need to improve our tooling to
> check inside of archives for binaries.  I'm CC'ing the packaging
> list as well.

Please keep in mind that jarfiles get repackaged inside other jarfiles
(.war, .ear etc), and I've also seen applications that built the files
with .zip extensions (though I haven't touched Java packaging for some
time now).  To be sure you've got everything you can't rely on file
extensions, you have to open every file in the RPM (and every file in
every zipfile you find in there, ad infinitum) and look for the
zipfile magic code.  It's also best not to rely on finding the solibs
in any specific place, because the chances are there's yet another
.*ar format you haven't heard of that puts them somewhere else ;)



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