[fedora-java] transitioning some packages

Mat Booth fedora at matbooth.co.uk
Tue Aug 13 14:06:25 UTC 2013

On 13 August 2013 13:59, Andy Grimm <agrimm at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, all.  As some of you know, I changed jobs 3 months ago, and since
> then, I have had no time to work on keeping my java packages updated
> and in line with changing packaging guidelines.  I'm looking for
> volunteers to take over some of these packages, and thought I would
> ask this list before posting to fedora-devel.  The list is below.
> I'll coordinate the orphaning process for each with people who
> volunteer.  Thanks in advance.
I don't mind taking on packages of yours that I have already updated:

XmlSchema -- Lightweight schema object model
apache-commons-ognl -- Object Graph Navigation Library
derby -- Relational database implemented entirely in java
ezmorph -- Object transformation library for Java
java-uuid-generator -- A pure Java UUID generator

Mat Booth
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