[fedora-java] Problem changing symlink to directory with %pretrans scriptlet

Richard Fearn richardfearn at gmail.com
Sun Dec 29 01:02:02 UTC 2013

Hi Bruno,

On 28 December 2013 16:43, Bruno Wolff III <bruno at wolff.to> wrote:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:Guidelines#The_.25pretrans_scriptlet
> Notes that you need to use lua in pretrans scriptlets, not shell commands.

Thanks. I've already seen that. It doesn't seem to make any difference
whether it's a bash scriptlet or a lua scriptlet, though; irrespective
of what language is used to delete the symlink, the problem still

> I haven't found an example for you to copy, but note there are still some
> cases where changing symlinks to directories or vise versa won't work with
> rpm (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=975909).

I think deleting the symlink manually may be revealing a problem in
rpm. It seems to treat /usr/share/javadoc/test-1/hello (from the old
package) and /usr/share/javadoc/test/hello (from the new package) as
the same thing. Since the new package is installing
/usr/share/javadoc/test/hello, it therefore decides to 'skip' the old
'hello' file, rather than 'erase' it.

I'm not sure yet why these two paths are considered to be the same...


Richard Fearn
richardfearn at gmail.com

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