[fedora-java] Question about wagon-webdav build failure

David Walluck david at zarb.org
Fri Feb 15 22:02:25 UTC 2013

On 02/15/2013 12:03 PM, Orion Poplawski wrote:
> Now, wagon-webdav does not appear to exist in Fedora, so I'm not surprised it 
> fails to build, but I'm curious as to why it builds okay in F18.  maven change?

There was an empty depmap entry for it, but I don't think it ever
existed as an actual artifact.

> Anyway, suggestions on how to handle this?  I'm not familiar with "extension" 
> as a pom entry.

I am pretty sure that wagon-webdav-jackrabbit exists in Rawhide, so you
can patch to use that instead (the name changed between 1.0-beta-2 and

Otherwise, you can just comment out the wagon extensions as wagon should
have no effect in Fedora. The wagon stuff is for (remote) deployment by

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