[fedora-java] Installing effective Maven POM files

Mikolaj Izdebski mizdebsk at redhat.com
Wed Feb 20 14:35:23 UTC 2013

> Now to the problems with embedding poms aka effective poms - There
> are parent poms like
> (http://git.eclipse.org/c/platform/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator.git/tree/eclipse-parent/pom.xml
> ) which contain way more information than one would think - like
> supported architectures, set of bundles in a bundle pool to be used
> when running some tasks and etc. Now consider that this is the
> parent pom of few maven plugins like maven-cbi-plugin,
> eclipse-jarsigner-plugin and others. So the parent pom gets embedded
> in the plugins pom and I want to add one more arch (e.g. arm64). In
> this case I would have to rebuild all the plugins (even this is
> unacceptable) so they get the arm64 arch embedded in them, while
> this might work if everything is noarch and I do it on the primary
> archs, it becomes impossible to do it if there is arch specific
> parts(and yes we do have them - calling eclipse and etc.) cause I
> would need to run the cbi to build the jarsigner but the cbi has
> embedded config that arm64 is not supported hence fail the build. So
> in this case we end up in no way to do something as simple as adding
> one more arch which in the old case was just patching the parent and
> everything works.

In this case the solution would be very simple - install raw POM instead
of effective POM just in this case.

> Another problem is the benefit from effective poms - it's
> questionable if you don't rely on maven to handle your dependencies
> - aka for OSGi case - a lot of additional work for no direct
> benefit.

Again, you could disable generation of effective POM in cases where it's
not suitable for you (just like you can disable auto-requires or filter
them with a regular expression).

The idea is that you can have common build settings which work for the
majority of packages and customize them as needed.

Mikolaj Izdebski

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