[fedora-java] Java Packages Tools 3.4.0 release notes

Mikolaj Izdebski mizdebsk at redhat.com
Mon Oct 14 13:36:16 UTC 2013

Java Packages Tools 3.4.0 was released and pushed to rawhide.
Changes in this version are described below.

Some error messages that cause build failure were improved to make it
more clear what they mean.

A lot of test cases were added.  Existing test cases were extended and

Some legacy manual pages were rewritten from scratch.  Some others were
fixed or updated.

Now injected pom.properties contain classifiers and extensions which
means that XMvn Subst will be able to locate JAR files with classifiers
or nonstandard extensions.

Several bugs related to namespaces (related to software collections)
were fixed.

Two bugs related to handling whitespace in XML were fixed.

Python implementation was fully migrated from "xml.dom" to "lxml" DOM.

Compatibility with Python 2.6 was improved.

Java packaging HOWTO was extended and improved.

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