[fedora-java] Packaging tomcat shell scripts

Dridi Boukelmoune dridi.boukelmoune at gmail.com
Fri Oct 25 22:32:07 UTC 2013

On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 7:03 PM, Robert Rati <rrati at redhat.com> wrote:
> I should mention that I'd actually tested the functionality and done all the
> work needed for this piece of functionality to make it into hadoop.  The

What have you tested exactly ? Have you manually added catalina.sh &co
somewhere on your system and tested your package ?

> missing piece is the tomcat shell scripts.  If those are packaged then I
> just need to do a little work and I can include the functionality in hadoop.

How little ? Have you tried to replace catalina.sh in httpfs.sh [1] ?

-exec ${HTTPFS_CATALINA_HOME}/bin/catalina.sh "$@"
+exec /usr/sbin/tomcat "$@"

And maybe set a proper TOMCAT_CFG environment variable pointing to the
config for this very package.

> The same work will be needed for other parts of the hadoop ecosystem.
> Rob

Where can I find a spec with your current work (and a testing
procedure) to understand better the problem ? Btw, I'm not the tomcat
maintainer, just a regular tomcat user, this is just my opinion. As I
said earlier, the catalina.sh file is part of the upstream all-in-one-dir
bundles. I don't think catalina.sh is in Fedora's tomcat package, it's
also not in Debian's [2] tomcat6 and tomcat7 packages.


[1] https://github.com/apache/hadoop-common/blob/1f2a21f/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs-httpfs/src/main/sbin/httpfs.sh
[2] http://packages.debian.org/wheezy/all/tomcat6/filelist

> On 10/23/2013 01:58 PM, Robert Rati wrote:
>> On 10/23/2013 01:09 PM, Dridi Boukelmoune wrote:
>>> On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 1:57 PM, Robert Rati <rrati at redhat.com> wrote:
>>>> Here's a listing of the directory structure hadoop and similar bits
>>>> produce
>>>> in their builds:
>>>> http://paste.fedoraproject.org/48849/13825327
>>> Looks like tomcat is bundled, which itself is an issue.
>> I've got a patch that pulls out the d/ling and bundling of tomcat.
>> That's not a problem.
>>>> There's a some stuff in there that's can obviously be paired down.
>>>> Here's
>>>> the script used to start/stop the service:
>>>> http://paste.fedoraproject.org/48852/38253290
>>> This whole script could be replaced by a in-house script just like
>>> /usr/sbin/tomcat, and it should be fairly easy.
>>> A few things I've spotted:
>>> - PRG=$(readlink -f $0) could replace the whole while loop line 19
>>>    It's not portable, but we don't care since it'd work on Fedora
>>> - The so-called bug mentioned line 51 is actually documented [1] in
>>> catalina.sh
>>>    It works like this by design, I'll notify upstream
>> I'd prefer to avoid fedora specific changes.  We'd like to push as much
>> as possible upstream and that's difficult enough.  Upstream moves fast
>> and the recent rebase to 2.2.0 was quite a bit of work.  If what
>> upstream provides will work then I'd like to avoid adding more work for
>> future rebases.
>>>> It should be noted that upstream hadoop, and its ecosystem, use
>>>> tomcat 6.x
>>>> and as part of packaging it we've moved forward to tomcat 7.x.
>>> Unless hadoop's code uses tomcat internals (a valve for instance) this
>>> should not be a problem. I don't have time right now do check that.
>> Hadoop uses jasper and jspc and we've ported all that stuff forward to
>> the latest in fedora.  There's no need to dive into this mess unless
>> you're curious or like pain. :)
>> Rob
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