[fedora-java] Time for new Guidelines:Java (Call for Action)

Stanislav Ochotnicky sochotnicky at redhat.com
Wed Oct 30 16:27:18 UTC 2013

If you want to get involved skip to the bottom :-)

There's that time of year again...our guidelines have become unwieldy, long and
complicated as we were adding features into our stack. Time to get back to
basics... In that spirit I have started stripping stuff from our previous
draft[1] (i.e.  our current guidelines). 

Most significant changes:
    * Removal of several examples, templates
    * Move pom_ and mvn_ macros into Java Packaging HOWTO[2]
    * Simplify filename naming guideline (and make it more lax)
    * Simplify (Build)Requires section (and account for java-headless)
    * Lot of other removals/simplifications

One notable thing: perhaps with the exception of java-headless change, the
guidelines are not really different from our current version. I just removed
mentions of old stuff.

As I mentioned some months ago high-level goal is this:
    * Rules go into Packaging:Java and should be simple
    * Best practices, tips, techniques in Java Packaging HOWTO

"How can I help?" you ask? Great! There are two ways currently:

    1. Work on the Guidelines themselves. Keep in mind goal of simplicity. We
    don't want a lot of "If X then A else B" parts. Current version is a
    relatively quick stripping of current guidelines so expect inaccuracies
    and/or outright conflicts. Feel free to edit wiki directly as you see fit.
    Worst case I'll just undo your changes or we'll have to discuss them at next
    SIG meeting in a few weeks
    2. Send us fixes and additions for Java Packaging HOWTO[3] (doc
    subdirectory).  Michal Srb and Mikolaj Izdebski have done great amount of
    work already but there are several missing parts and generally *a lot* of
    work ahead of us. If you can commit to javapackages git just go ahead and
    claim sections you'd like to help us with.

[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Akurtakov/JavaPackagingDraftUpdate
[2] https://fedorahosted.org/released/javapackages/doc/
[3] https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/javapackages.git/

Stanislav Ochotnicky <sochotnicky at redhat.com>
Software Engineer - Developer Experience

PGP: 7B087241
Red Hat Inc.                               http://cz.redhat.com
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