[fedora-java] Replacement for JCEECDHKeyAgreement

David Juran djuran at redhat.com
Mon Mar 3 08:39:04 UTC 2014

On tor, 2014-02-27 at 15:51 -0500, David Walluck wrote:

> You can generally ask the JDK for a particular algorithm:
> javax.crypto.KeyAgreement ecDH =
> javax.crypto.KeyAgreement.getInstance("ECDH");

Well, at least it compiles... (-:

> in a provider-agnostic way so that it should not really be necessary to
> get into the BC code.
> In fact, I just looked at Azureus and they seem to have commented that
> out. Perhaps bouncycastle did not support ECDH at that time?

Is there any way of knowing which crypto:s are supported by a specific
bouncycastle installation? I.e. will this work with bouncycastle-1.46 on
F20 or will it require rawhide with bouncycastle-1.50?

David Juran
Sr. Consultant
Red Hat

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