[fedora-java] Eclipse Luna on Fedora 21 and JDK 8 requirement

Mat Booth fedora at matbooth.co.uk
Thu Oct 30 09:31:22 UTC 2014

On 30 October 2014 08:46, Sudhir Khanger <ml at sudhirkhanger.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have just upgraded to Fedora 21. There is only OpenJDK 8 on F21. I
> need Oracle JDK 7 for Android Development so I have set that as my
> system default so that I can use it with Android Studio too. Eclipse
> Luna crashes with JDK 7. As per this bug report [1] Eclipse Luna
> requires Java 8 on F21. Upstream Eclipse Luna requires JDK 7 or above.
> How can I use Eclipse Luna on F21 with Oracle JDK 7 as default?
> [1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1123853
> --
> Regards,
> Sudhir Khanger,
> sudhirkhanger.com,
> github.com/donniezazen,
> 5577 8CDB A059 085D 1D60  807F 8C00 45D9 F5EF C394.
> --
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Why does Android Development require JDK 7? Maybe we can fix it so that you
don't need to install a third party JDK.

Mat Booth
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