[fedora-java] Searching for Java classes in Fedora packages - java-deptools in Fedora Cloud

Michael Šimáček msimacek at redhat.com
Fri Aug 7 14:30:24 UTC 2015


java-deptools is a project that can extract class information from RPM 
packages. It has been provided as a commandline tool and now I'm working 
on bringing it online as a web service. The web service can search for 
class names and tell you in which RPMs the classes exists in Fedora. It 
is now available in Fedora Cloud at:

Currently, it can only be used for searching for class names in Fedora 
Rawhide, but there are plans for more. Please keep in mind that the 
current instance is experimental and may not be reliable (the database 
is currently regenerated manually). Ideas for features/contributions are 
Source repository is at: https://github.com/msimacek/java-deptools

Michael Simacek

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