[fedora-java] Searching for Java classes in Fedora packages - java-deptools in Fedora Cloud

Roland Grunberg rgrunber at redhat.com
Mon Aug 17 18:57:03 UTC 2015

> > This is pretty cool, and would love to have something similar for OSGi
> > metadata in Fedora. There's already capabilities for querying this kind
> > of metadata directly from a filesystem and doing it from rpms shouldn't
> > be too tricky.
> >
> Should be definitely possible. I also plan to query Maven metadata. But
> I'm not that familiar with OSGi, what kinds of information would you be
> interested in? Does it mean just storing and querying the manifests or
> should I use something more high-level?
> Michael

I'd be interested in manifest attributes like Bundle-SymbolicName,
Bundle-Version, Require-Bundle, Import-Package, and Export-Package.
Storing those attributes should work though I know Eclipse's runtime might
do some extra things that in some cases would cause differences between
what the manifest shows, and what is actually provided, but I think it's
still a good start.

Roland Grunberg

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