[fedora-java] Bumping Maven compiler source/target to 1.6

Mikolaj Izdebski mizdebsk at redhat.com
Fri Feb 6 13:37:29 UTC 2015

I'm considering bumping minimal source/target values in Maven Compiler
Plugin to 1.6 starting from Fedora 23. What is your opinion?

Java 9 is going to drop support for compiling for targets < 1.6.
This change would allow us to notice some problems earlier and give us
more time for fixing them.

Currently XMvn ensures that all Maven builds are compiled with
source/target of 1.5 and that target >= source (this is to avoid
problems caused by JSR-14).

The proposed change would adjust source/target used by Maven Compiler
Plugin when building RPM packages, according to the following snippet:

    source = max(source, 1.6)
    target = max(target, source)

Are there any objections?

Mikolaj Izdebski
Software Engineer, Red Hat
IRC: mizdebsk

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