[fedora-java] Fedora 21 Eclipse m2e-wtp plug-in package

Julius Schwartzenberg julius.schwartzenberg at gmail.com
Sun Feb 15 16:58:52 UTC 2015


I'm trying out the Fedora 21 Eclipse builds and I'm quite impressed with
all the things which can be cleanly installed through Yum/RPM!

However it appears that the m2e-wtp (1) plug-in hasn't been packaged
yet. It is the only missing piece for building and running Maven
projects in (at least) Tomcat in Fedora 21 out of the box.

Am I correct that such a package is currently unavailable at all? Would
it be possible for me to contribute such a package? Is there any guide
available on creating RPMs for Eclipse plug-ins?

Thanks in advance,

(1) https://www.eclipse.org/m2e-wtp/

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