[fedora-java] Packaging m2e-wtp

Julius Schwartzenberg julius.schwartzenberg at abz.nl
Fri Feb 20 12:45:36 UTC 2015


Thanks for your quick response!

On 02/20/2015 01:12 PM, Mikolaj Izdebski wrote:
> # SLF4J in Fedora uses a different BSN
> sed -i s/org.slf4j.api/slf4j.api/ $(find -name *.MF)

This indeed solved the problem!

I added a few more dependencies and now I'm running into this error:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
(default-package-plugin) on project org.eclipse.m2e.wtp.overlay: 
Execution default-package-plugin of goal 
org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-packaging-plugin:0.21.0:package-plugin failed: 
One of setGitDir or setWorkTree must be called. -> [Help 1]

Is this related to these %global lines at the top? I wasn't sure what to 
do with them.

Best regards,

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