[fedora-java] XMvn 2.1.1 release notes

Mikolaj Izdebski mizdebsk at redhat.com
Mon Jan 5 16:58:14 UTC 2015

What's new in XMvn 2.1.1

XMvn 2.1.1 was released on 2015-01-05.  Most important changes

* Minor bugfixes

  * Software collection support

    Several bugs related to support for software collections were

  * OSGi artifact installation

    XMvn MOJO now correctly passes fully qualified OSGi artifact
    verions to Eclipse P2 installer.

 * Resolution of Ivy artifacts with classifiers

    XMvn 2.1.1 fixes a bug which could cause some Ivy artifacts with
    classifiers not to be resolved correctly in some cases.

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