[fedora-java] Java build systems stop requiring java-devel

Peter Larsen peter at peterlarsen.org
Sun Jul 12 23:49:25 UTC 2015

On Jul 10, 2015 8:39 AM, "Mikolaj Izdebski" <mizdebsk at redhat.com> wrote:
> Java build systems (Ant, Maven, Gradle) used to require "java-devel"
> because their typical usages involves code compilation, which requires
> full JDK.
> In Fedora 23 I've just replaced hard requirement on "java-devel" with
> recommends.

Why? Most builds require javac. Unless you are only installing and not
building why would you not want the java-devel?

>From now on Ant, Maven and Gradle require "java-headlesss"
> and recommend "java-devel", which means that by default they will still
> be installed with full JDK, but it will be possible to install and use
> them with just headless JRE.
> --
> Mikolaj Izdebski
> Software Engineer, Red Hat
> IRC: mizdebsk
> --
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