[fedora-java] Packaging m2e-wtp

Roland Grunberg rgrunber at redhat.com
Mon Mar 2 15:08:22 UTC 2015

> > I would guess filing a bug to OSGi-ify maven-war-plugin might be in order,
> > but not sure of the implications in terms of other deps.
> Is this something which is specifically missing from the RPM package? A
> regular Maven build works, so I suppose there also exists a OSGI-ified
> version for Tycho.

Yes, the maven-war-plugin jar has a MANIFEST.MF that is missing at the
very least Bundle-SymbolicName, and some other attributes that are commonly
used to describe what the package will provide/require in that runtime.

The reason an upstream maven build works is because the plugin
org.eclipse.m2e.wtp bundles the maven-war-plugin jar as part of its
classpath [1]. You'd see it in the jars folder from the subproject. Your
second call after %%setup removes all pre-built jars so that's why your
build fails.

There may be a workaround you could try that would avoid having to OSGi-ify
maven-war-plugin. If you add the attribute 'Eclipse-BundleShape: dir' into
the MANIFEST.MF for org.eclipse.m2e.wtp, then symlink the system jar for
maven-war-plugin matching the name listed in Bundle-ClassPath, the build
should work. The purpose of adding that attribute above is to avoid packaging
the plugin as a jar, with an embedded jar, which is against guidelines. I
think you'd probably have to re-symlink the jar for %%install as well.

Roland Grunberg

[1] https://github.com/eclipse/m2e.wtp/blob/master/org.eclipse.m2e.wtp/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF#L54

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