[fedora-java] Remove "EE APIs" section from guidelines?

Mikolaj Izdebski mizdebsk at redhat.com
Tue Mar 10 08:00:35 UTC 2015

On 03/10/2015 08:57 AM, Michal Srb wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I would like to propose a small change to our Java packaging guidelines.
> The change is simple: remove whole "Packaging and using EE APIs" section
> [1]. As far as I can tell, there is currently no Java package fully
> conforming with this section in Fedora. I also think that from
> maintenance perspective, it's better not to have our hands tied with
> guidelines (in such less important matters), but to be able act
> accordingly to current situation in Fedora. The matter of which package
> should provide which EE API can be discussed here on java-devel ML. We
> can easily reevaluate our decision before every Fedora release, without
> need to change the guidelines every time.
> Please let me know what you think of this proposal. We can arrange
> java-sig IRC meeting, or we can discuss and vote here. I personally
> prefer the latter option.

+1 from me. I never really understood why this section was added in the
first place.

Mikolaj Izdebski
Software Engineer, Red Hat
IRC: mizdebsk

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