[fedora-java] Packaging m2e-wtp

Roland Grunberg rgrunber at redhat.com
Wed Mar 18 20:11:29 UTC 2015

> On 03/15/2015 02:07 AM, gil wrote:
> > Il 15/03/2015 00:03, Julius Schwartzenberg ha scritto:
> >> I'm getting a bit further again with the m2e-wtp build. Disabling the
> >> things with seem mostly relevant for the update site allowed the build
> >> to progress.
> >>
> >> Roland Grunberg wrote:
> >>> There may be a workaround you could try that would avoid having to
> >>> OSGi-ify
> >>> maven-war-plugin. If you add the attribute 'Eclipse-BundleShape: dir'
> >>> into
> >>> the MANIFEST.MF for org.eclipse.m2e.wtp, then symlink the system jar for
> >>> maven-war-plugin matching the name listed in Bundle-ClassPath, the build
> >>> should work. The purpose of adding that attribute above is to avoid
> >>> packaging
> >>> the plugin as a jar, with an embedded jar, which is against
> >>> guidelines. I
> >>> think you'd probably have to re-symlink the jar for %%install as well.
> > Bundle-ClassPath (as for Class-Path) is not allowed in Fedora.
> > You should (read must) remove this instruction from felix (or war plugin)
> Doesn't this mean that maven-war-plugin still needs to be OSGI-ified? I
> understand this would mean creating a new version of the
> maven-war-plugin RPM in which the spec file patches the pom files to use
> Felix to OSGI-ify it?

Sorry for the delay,

I just asked Mat Booth about this and it seems you should be fine to use
Bundle-ClassPath. In fact, the Eclipse plugin packaging guidelines refer
to this exact case [1].

Initially I thought [2] implied Bundle-ClassPath, especially since it's not
a preferred way of doing things. However, I forgot that there are some cases
where Bundle-ClassPath is the only way of achieving certain functionality (eg.
various nested jars that are built from sources in platform/independent

Roland Grunberg

[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:EclipsePlugins#JAR_Expansion
[2] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:Java#No_class-path_in_MANIFEST.MF

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