[fedora-java] Packaging m2e-wtp

Julius Schwartzenberg julius.schwartzenberg at abz.nl
Thu Mar 19 16:25:28 UTC 2015

On 03/19/2015 04:05 PM, Roland Grunberg wrote:
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
>> org.fedoraproject.xmvn:xmvn-mojo:2.0.1:install (default-cli) on project
>> org.eclipse.m2e.wtp.parent: Some reactor artifacts have dependencies
>> with scope "system". Such dependencies are not supported by XMvn
>> installer. You should either remove any dependencies with scope "system"
>> before the build or not run XMvn instaler. -> [Help 1]
> Try adding '%pom_remove_dep :maven-war-plugin org.eclipse.m2e.wtp' to the
> %prep section of your specfile. This should resolve the issue. The
> dependency is already being set up properly by your symlink, manifest,
> and build.properties.

That removes the dependency from the pom file (there's no other pom file 
which has this dependency specified), but I still get the errors. Does 
XMvn use other checks as well?


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