[fedora-java] Packaging Spago BI

Sandro Bonazzola sbonazzo at redhat.com
Tue Jan 19 11:16:47 UTC 2016

I started trying to package Spago BI ( http://spagobi.com/ ) for Fedora.

An initial spec file I created mostly to understand what's being built is

The output of maven install is a set of war files which includes libraries
and javascript libraries from external sources / projects (maven central

During the build, several jar files are created and not installed by mvn

I've searched for a packaging guidelines wiki page about packaging wildfly
webapps and in IRC I've been pointed to thermostat package as example.
I'm not realy sure to have understood what's expected from the package:
- is it ok to just have the final war file in the package?
- is it ok to have libraries (jar and js) from other packages included in
the war file? (I know, I'm using mvn and not maven-local since I don't have
packaged dependencies yet, but supposing they're in fedora, is it allowed
to have them in the war file?

Help with the packaging effort is welcome :-)

Sandro Bonazzola
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