[fedora-java] WILDFLY: Packaging errors and cannot deploy quickstart application

Mat Booth fedora at matbooth.co.uk
Sat Jan 23 21:48:59 UTC 2016

On 23 January 2016 at 17:45, John W. Himpel <john at jlhimpel.net> wrote:

> Good morning,
> While attempting to install and startup Wildfly under F23, I
> encountered several packaging errors.

Wildfly in Fedora is in not a very good condition these days, please read
this post from last year:

In the short term, you may have better luck with Marek's COPR repo:

I am using wildfly-,  I see "ausil" and "goldmann" have
> submitted subsequent builds for wilfly but are marked ad "Failed" in
> koji.  What needs to be done to get a working package of wildfire into
> Fedora?

To be honest, it needs someone to step up and help maintain it. Since Java
people here tend to be stretched pretty thinly, if you'd like to become a
packager and help out that would be most welcome!

Mat Booth
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