KDE-SIG meeting report (49/2010)

Jaroslav Reznik jreznik at redhat.com
Tue Dec 7 17:26:41 UTC 2010

This is a report of the weekly KDE-SIG-Meeting with a summary of the 
topics that were discussed. If you want to add a comment please reply
 to this email or add it to the related meeting page.


= Weekly KDE Summary =

Week: 49/2010

Time: 2010-12-07 14:00 UTC

Meeting page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/KDE/Meetings/2010-12-07

Meeting minutes: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2010-12-07/kde-

Meeting log: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2010-12-07/kde-

= Participants =
    * KevinKofler
    * LukasTinkl
    * JaroslavReznik
    * ThanNgo
    * RexDieter
    * ThomasJanssen
    * RadekNovacek
    * nucleo

= Agenda =
topics to discuss:
    * kde-4.5.4 status
    * qt-4.7.x for f13 : where are we? push forward? drop it?
    * spin position [1]
    * Calligra [2]
    * Features/KDE46 [3]
        * kde-4.5.85 status

recent bugs
    * qt-x11 (assistant) depends on qt-webkit [4]
    * kdevelop broken with kde-4.6beta click here for the bug report, need 4.2  
snapshot? [5]

= Summary =
kde-4.5.4 status

    * AGREED: to push 4.5.4 to updates-testing
    * than to prepare update
    * kde-4.5.4 and kdepim-4.4.8 to be grouped in one update

qt-4.7.x for f13 : where are we? push forward? drop it?

    * we are still not sure we really want to update 4.7 in f13
    * +1 by Kevin_Kofler, other folks tend to not update or don't know yet, don't 
    * we need list of arguments for FESCo (disagreement - before or after 
    * QtWebKit security, bugfixes but regressions (any?), backward compatible, 
new neat features
    * no conclussion -> move discussion onlist


    * KOffice fork, in short term it looks like winner (more projects joining 
Calligra over original KOffice)
    * Naming? Especially Words (MS concerns)
    * Could we ship both? Potential conflicts...
    * Ready by KO/Calligra 2.4

qt-x11 (assistant) depends on qt-webkit

    * qt-assistant uses qtwebkit to render documentation => new dependency for 
    * than prepared patch to use qtextbrowser
    * but it's not as powerfull as qtwebkit (HTML/CSS subset implemented) - 
should be ok for docs?
    * AGREED: on testing patch in rawhide for feedback by our devs/users
alternative: split qt-assistant and use Provides: qt4-assistant


= Next Meeting =

= Links =
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:Board_meeting_2010-12-06 
[2] http://dot.kde.org/2010/12/06/kde-announces-calligra-suite
[3] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/KDE46
[4] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=660287
[5] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=660345

Jaroslav Řezník <jreznik at redhat.com>
Software Engineer - Base Operating Systems Brno

Office: +420 532 294 275
Mobile: +420 602 797 774
Red Hat, Inc.                               http://cz.redhat.com/

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