Incredible Shrinking Fonts

Petrus de Calguarium pgueckel at
Tue Jul 5 22:04:08 UTC 2011

Neal Becker wrote:

> the aliases:
> Sans Serif
> Monospace
> All point to DejaVu.

I just discovered this, too, a few days ago.

I was rooting around in /etc/fonts/conf.d, trying ot understand what is 
goingon there, when I noticed the tail ends of the following 3 files:


I cannot claim to explicitly comprehend the code, but at the end of each 
file, there is a Generic Name Assignment and Generic Name Aliasing section, 
which would appear to suggest that:

serif is an alias for DejaVu serif
sans-serif is an alias for DejaVu sans-serif
monospace is an alias for DejaVu monospace

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