libqzeitgeist & zeitgeist

Fl at sh Fl at sh
Tue Jul 3 10:31:59 UTC 2012

> OK now we're getting somewhere.  I'd suggest you're talking to the wrong 
> people then.  Talk to zeitgeist upstream, and it's bindings' authors.
> (I'll do some of that work for you and talk to them, but I'll likely be 
> more easily convinced about how not-bad it is)
> -- rex
I do not understand the need to appeal to developers of zeitgeist, but I will do as you advise. Maybe tell how to do it correctly?
However, now libqzeitgeist is installed in my system, but he rebuilt without depending on zeitgeist. Zeitgeist was deleted, Nepomuk is disabled. No errors in the ~/.xsession-errors, either in /var/log/messages. This is as really example.
By the way, I noticed that the Zeitgeist initiates the Nepomuk-process, even when Nepomuk is turned off in System Settings and configuration files. This suggests that, in fact, any program running in the user environment may be illegally collecting personal data, using tools kdelibs. It's sad.
Fl at sh

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