Does Fedora want to expel KDE from its offerings?

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Wed Dec 10 16:35:14 UTC 2014

On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 06:47:14AM +0100, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> And this uninclusiveness is not even a mistake, but a deliberate decision, 
> as evidenced by the "Fedora is now more focused" slogan on the getfedora 
> front page. How do you expect us to NOT feel left out by that "Fedora Next" 
> nonsense?

The Fedora Workstation/Cloud/Server aspect of is orthogonal
to desktop environments, and the new Get Fedora site reflects that.
I know you don't like that whole idea, but... other people do, and I
think it's going to be very successful for the spread and growth of
Fedora, and that benefits us all.

Desktop spins in general are about compiling and showcasing upstream
technology. (See for example the KDE SIG mission statement.) The
different flavors we're promoting are something different: taking that
technology and doing something specific with it.

I agree that the link to the spins on that page could be a little more
shiny. It's the first cut and a lot of work (and compromise) went into
it. We can improve it for the future (although dismissing the whole
thing as nonsense doesn't leave us much to work with).

Additionally, I talked to our web team, and redeveloping the spins page
itself is _already_ the next top priority. Particularly, we're
interested in elevating stand-out spins like KDE from the long list,
many of which don't even really work. (The ARM images may fall under
this same kind of situation -- they're also not really part of the
current getfedora story yet are incredibly important to the project

There is also The KDE SIG has (or can easily
get) direct commit access to that and you can make it as awesome as you

Matthew Miller
<mattdm at>
Fedora Project Leader

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