Konsole colors

Orcan Ogetbil oget.fedora at gmail.com
Fri Dec 12 05:48:50 UTC 2014

I noticed that the color settings in Settings->Edit Current
Profile->Appearance->Edit... are ineffective in Konsole. No matter
what I change the individual colors to, my Konsole colors stay the

I found that the problem lies in /etc/profile.d/256-term.sh, which
checks for the existence of the environment variable
KONSOLE_DBUS_SESSION and, in its presence, sets TERM=xterm-256color.

When TERM is xterm-256color, the Konsole settings are disregarded. I
tweaked the /etc/profile.d/256-term.sh file so that the TERM remains
the good old xterm, and now I can change my Konsole colors through the

I see that this file was added around F-18 [1]. Since Konsole does not
support the 256 colors (well at least its settings do not support),
why do we need xterm-256color?

Also, is my workaround correct?


[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=845583

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