Does Fedora want to expel KDE from its offerings?

Giuliano Colla giuliano.colla at
Sun Dec 14 00:31:09 UTC 2014

Il 13/12/2014 22:03, Patrick O'Callaghan ha scritto:
> [...]
> For once I agree with Reindl. I don't even understand what Plasma is and
> I've been an exclusively KDE user since version 3.

I know that you know, but in a nutshell the Plasma workspace is a 
bloated tray taking all the screen, and populated with buggy applets 
called Plasmoids. But if you select "Folder view" you get a Desktop 
where you may put what you need (folders, files, application launchers, 
etc.) and get a decent KDE.
One day KDE developers will realize that a computer Desktop must be like 
a desktop where we keep the documents we're working on and the tools to 
operate on them, and not third party applications. That day KDE will 
conquer again the popularity it's lost with the "evolution" toward 
Plasma. I know a lot of people which dropped KDE because of Plasma, I 
don't know anyone who switched to KDE, fascinated by Plasma.
I've been an exclusively KDE user since version 1, and I still mourn KDE 
3.5 which luckily I can still use with CentOs 5 and RHEL 5.


Giuliano Colla

Project planning question: when it's 90% done, are we halfway or not yet?

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