Fwd: [owncloud-devel] Resend: Announcement: Dolphin plugin v0.1

Sudhir Khanger sudhir at sudhirkhanger.com
Wed Sep 10 15:57:57 UTC 2014

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Subject: [owncloud-devel] Resend: Announcement: Dolphin plugin v0.1
Date: Wednesday, September 10, 2014, 02:47:16 PM
From: Brüns, Stefan <Stefan.Bruens at rwth-aachen.de>
To: devel at owncloud.org <devel at owncloud.org>


I have finished a first simple version of a ownCloud plugin for KDEs Dolphin. 
It is able to retrieve the sync status from the ownCloud client, although it 
is somewhat limited compared with e.g. the Nautilus emblems/overlays.

The limitation is due to the differences between Nautilus and Dolphin. 
Nautilus is able to show arbitrary icons as emblems, whereas my plugin uses 
the KVersionControlPlugin2 class. This limits the sync state to untracked, 
current and syncing, sharing state is not reflected.

The current code can be retrieved from

Binary packages are available for openSUSE 12.3 and 13.1:

The code depends on KDE4 libraries and Qt4, but I think it should be trivial 
to compile it against KF5/Qt5. This is also the reason for keeping this out of 
mirall - it will be useful for distributions to compile it against Qt4 and Qt5 
and provide both packages.

Kind regards,


Stefan Brüns  /  Bergstraße 21  /  52062 Aachen
home: +49 241 53809034     mobile: +49 151 50412019
work: +49 2405 49936-424
Devel mailing list
Devel at owncloud.org

Thought some folks might be interested.

Sudhir Khanger,
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